From 24.11.2017 until
25.03.2018 at East German Gallery in Regensburg
„Metropolia 2010“
Jakub Nepraš-Videosculptures
It is just until the 25th of march that you can adore drawings (Photoshop combined) and large Videoscultures by the Tshech artist Jakub Nepraš at the East German Gallery in Regensburg, Germany.
Jakub is positioning the individual inside the whole pulsing environement, a futuristic city, nature and the fractions of a modern organic society and technology.
If you also like to visit his official commercial website you will find many videos of his indeed fascinating works. Three dimensional Videosculptures with a diametre of up to 300 cm are accompanied by sounds of nature, for instance.
"The Invisible Outer Space" captured in filmprojections , objects and their combination invites you to step in and discover.
Tickets 4€ - 6€
i.A Treasure Films