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22nd of March until

16th of September 2018,

Humboldt-Box, 4. OG

Schlossplatz 5, 10178 Berlin

Tel: 030-2093 20917

FREE Admission


"Sound-Listening to the world"

The Humboldt Forum Berlin City

-Tours, Talks and Thematic Workshops-

© Ethnologisches Museum / Staatliche Museen zu Berlin. Photo: Martin Franken

Hearing without seeing

Noises, sounds, languages and musical communication since the year1877 are collected within the Humboldt Sound Archive.

From recordings of the times of the two World Wars, before and to contemporary you can listen to and form your own impression on how times and events had and have their influences on vocal and linguistic expressions of individuals.


Out of more than 3,000 recordings since the invention of physical sound recordings in 1877 from around the world you can get an idea on how the worldwide music- and soundmarket of today has inspired the life and work of a local musician and perhaps yours, as a listener.


You might visit the site of this exhibition to find and attend a wider range of events taking place this year to articulate a "Sound of Berlin": Poetry Slams, concerts dedicated to forreign cultures and environments, music and sounds, voices in the streets, workshops and much more.


--Have Fun--

Treasure Films

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