Featured Event
"Meer Stein"
F.Leonhard Schott
-Only the middle carries-

Title: Arrangement # 41
Material: Special pen on stone
Year: 2017
Artist: F. Leonhard Schott
Since 2011 it is now the scond time that Mr Schott gives us the chance to get known to his wide range of artistic work.
This spans from Graphic Art in forms of Letter Writings and Visual Paintings to Object Creations and -Restaurations.
Franz Leonhard Schott is a selftaught specialist. He learned all about his profession the hard way, as he says, by working on special tasks.
These are some of the reasons why he knows more about ways to restore and the history of ancient art objects, starting from the Middle Ages up to contemporary Christian Art, than most of his collegues.
Right up until today he is a highly seeked after specialist of conserving pieces of art from incredible rareness.
As such a master within the Fine Arts he presents to us in this exhibition (Sea Stone) "More of a Stone" the magic of form-colour-center of weight and history of the "Canvases", which in fact are stones that came a long way in time and space. Through Leonhard´s work they become Jewels of the present.
For guided tours please call Mrs Beer at 0049-(0)810638423
i.A Treasure Films