Featured Event
"Focus,Weight and Movement"
F.Leonhard Schott & Ralf Hanrieder
-Light always is a perspective-
Title: Arrangement # 41
Material: Special pen on stone
Year: 2017
Artist: F. Leonhard Schott
Title: Transformation A
Material: Mix on Canvas
Year: 2018
Artist: Ralph Hanrieder
The Kastner SA in Wolnzach has invited to attend a cultural event as it has done so for aprox 30 years in Wolnzach, near the Old Castle in Germany.
The In-between is a current topic from time to time. We do get a European resumee of this as a currency made of the Middle Continent since aprox year 2000.
In March 2019, we can find the results of the natural struggles between Earth, rocks and rivers near the seas, in our cases at the German Cornmuseum near the Castle of Wolnzach, Bavaria, and can admire photographic works of Franz L. Schott´s own Stone Graphical Sculptures of today together with Ralf Hanrieder´s Light-Vectorial Paintings.
Schott is already known for top notch conservatorian works we have the chance to view, from time to time, in specific installations.
The works of these artists we can compare with the Weighting Factor of a currency.
How can we do so?
You can consider the sunrising in the East, during lunchtime we have the Hot Spot on the South, looking West we have the moon eclipse, and the northern view seems to be the Home of the "Stary Nights", as Vincent v.Gogh painted the diamonds of the skies decades ago.